APRS Coverage
Good digi echos
Voice Cellular Coverage
Decent, workable
Data Cellular Coverage
Good, very usable
Cellular Provider

This summit is an easy driveup, though low clearance vehicles will have trouble with the last half mile or so. Even better, park at the bottom of the steep hill climbs and hike in or pick up the unused motorcycle trail (starting near 45.3353, -123.559) that crosses over the summit and follow it up. The hill is accessed by Boundary Road, which is accessed from the upper reaches of the Trask drainage or a variety of roads that climb up from the Nestucca.

At the top, which appears to be about 50 lower than the name claims to be, it is lightly forested and there's a nice big stump for a high point if you want to set an antenna on something. The hill is at the edge of usability for 2m coverage in the valley. We barely eeked out a contact with a base station in Aloha using a j-pole antenna, the rest were much closer, Grand Ronde and west of Yamhill. It'd be a good summit to activate on a day when there are other people in the hills, it's high enough it would be easy to contact activators on other summits in the region.