APRS Coverage
Don't know
Voice Cellular Coverage
Spotty, may not work at all
Data Cellular Coverage
Spotty, may not work at all
Cellular Provider

There are many Blue Mountain's, and this one is located in Snohomish County, WA and just east of Sultan.  From parking gate to summit, it involves a 3 mile road hike (6.1 miles round-trip), and ~1,300 feet of gain.  There are some views along the way, and limited views from the summit. With the summit being heavily wooded, I activated near the tower (west / northwest of the summit and ~40 feet below summit per CalTopo map).  Was able to spot from the summit, but AT&T service was not consistent.


From Hwy 2 in Sultan, turn north onto Sultan Basin Road.  You will follow this road for a total of 12.8 miles (approx 25 minutes travel time), before reaching the gate for NF-210 on the left.  Of the 12.8 total driving miles on Sultan Basin Road, the last 2.5 miles are gravel and passable via car.  When parking near the gate, A Discover Pass is required. 

Trail Information:

This is a 6.1 mile roundtrip road hike, with ~1,300 feet of total gain.  The last mile before reaching the summit is relatively flat along a ridgeline, and elevation is gained relalively gradual in the first 2 miles. 
