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Little Rainbow Mountain is within the Anaconda Pintler Wilderness Area. The summit provides excellent views of high mountain lakes and open alpine SOTA peaks.  Little Rainbow is a great SOTA double with its neighbor Mount Tiny, W7M/BR-079   

Elevation gain: 2800’ from Storm Lake. 

Trail Miles:   4.5 roundtrip. 

Off-trail miles:  1.4 miles roundtrip.

Water:  Depending the time of year a stream exists above Storm Lake along the trail.  Then none exists along the trail.     

Bear Pepper Spray:  Highly recommended in all Montana summits. 

Map:  US Forest Service, Anaconda Pintler Wilderness

Directions:  Leave Montana Highway #1 approximately 12 miles west of Anaconda, Montana turning south on the Storm Lake Road #675.  The Storm Lake Road is good for approximately six miles.   Then the road begins to deteriorate over the next ½ mile.  Depending on your vehicle it’s a good time to find a parking place.  For those brave drivers in a high clearance vehicle one can navigate large gullies, potholes and boulders to reach Storm Lake.  From Storm Lake, travel 2.3 miles on trail FS#41to Storm Lake Pass.  At the pass, locate a very intermittent and faint ridge trail to the summit.