APRS Coverage
Good digi echos
Voice Cellular Coverage
No service at all
Data Cellular Coverage
No service at all
Cellular Provider

TL;DR - Peak 3534 is a twenty to thirty minute drive from South Saddle Mountain (W7O/NC-002) over logging roads. You pass South Saddle to get to 3534 so a two summit, four point day is easy. 4WD, good directions, and GPS are really handy. Once you park, the short hike up is steep but no worries, there's a longer, gentler path, too. The summit has no views, a small open space, trees, good APRS signals, and is RF quiet. Not a summit for hanging out nor the best place for HF antennas but easy to activate with 2M FM.

Details - If you find South Saddle, you've managed the hardest part of getting to 3534. Here's the route I took: HW6 to Saddle and 3534. Be wary, there is more than one way to get here and many more ways to get lost! You've arrived when you see the the "7up" trailhead sign. 7up provides short, steep, and rocky access to the summit. Trekking poles are a really good idea, especially coming down (see the photos below). There is also a longer, gentler way up following the road past the trailhead.

At the summit is a small clearing surrounded by tall trees. No views to be had here so enjoy the one you have at the trailhead. Take care when chosing your operating position and don't hang wires across the open space as this is an active offroad vehicle path.  The summit was RF quiet, APRS digis were easy to hit (I didn't try two way messaging here), and making 2M FM contacts to the east and north was accomplished with a j pole hung at roughly ten feet. 

This was my second summit of the day, so I didn't set up my HF gear. In any case, given the small size of the clearing, the lack of views, and the potential for offroad vehicle traffic, this isn't a summit that encourages lingering. I was happy to make six or seven 2M FM contacts and call it a day.