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Just past Oregon wine country resides Sheridan Peak W7O/NC-009. This peak has an elevation of 3000ft and resides in the heavily timbered coastal range. For beginners to SOTA, this is perfect place to start and gain experience. This peak resides in the Nestucca Recreation Area, specially created to manage the impact of an extensive and wonderful network of OHV trails. There are specific restrictions within this area, so please check with the BLM before you camp or light fires. The easiest route is from the city of Carlton then follow the NW Meadow Lake Rd. I won’t bore you with directions, but access is paved all the way to parking lot (on NW Bald Mountain Access Rd) near the summit complete with outhouse. The parking lot does have a gate, but I’ve never seen it closed-even during the winter. This area receives some snow during the winter months, so prepare appropriately. From the parking lot it is less than a half mile hike to the summit. You will immediately enter well thinned forests and high canopy, to find the summit you will need a GPS. There is no official trail, but the undergrowth is non-existent in most places. The summit itself is completely forested and offers no view or landmarks. Total elevation gain is less than two hundred feet. The wind can pick up during the fall and winter months, I would recommend making accommodations to keep you and your gear dry. With a good mountain bike you might be able to cycle to the summit, but there are some “no OHV” signs with unclear meaning (YMMV). If you are looking for an easy walk with close road access and some elevation, Sheridan Peak is a great place to start.

Now that you know how easy the peak is, here is a silly video.