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This was our third hike to Elbow Peak; this time it was sunny!  Wow! Incredible views of the east side of all the Snoqualmie Pass peaks, and the mighty Stuart Range. We only saw 2 other couples the entire day, so a very peaceful and beautiful hike in the Teanaway region.  Only a few minor patches of snow at the 5000 foot level, and these were in the shady areas. No trouble passes them with only hiking poles. 

I used my Yaesu VX-6R on 2m, 145.52.  It took about 45 minutes to make the minimum required 4 contacts. The summit is approximately 35 miles from Ellensburg, the town most of my contacts were located; with 1 exception - I talked to a hiker who was on Whiskey Dick Mountain on his HT - so we had a "summit to summit"  I don't beleive Whiskey Dick Mountain is a SOTA summit, so no points for communicating wit him.