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This was the last of four Elkton, OR area summits that we explored on May 21, 2017. With a name like that, we were a bit apprehensive, but we set off along a route I traced on a topo map. It starts by turning off of Highway 38 onto Wetherly Creek Rd. This took us into an intense logging area, but no one was working on Sunday. At a significant intersection that we almost missed due to the heavy logging equipment stored there, we tried to turn toward the summit, three plus miles away.


But where was the road we needed to turn on? We stopped and walked around, and then I saw the road leading back into the forest from the back of the equipment parking area. And what menace did I see? A locked gate! Curses, foiled again. We probably could have walked to the summit, but we were still at least three to four miles away, and 1600 plus feet below in elevation.  



By now we were getting tired. We had been tracing one mountain road after another for hours. It was about 3 PM. Reluctantly, we headed home. We got home about seven hours after we left this morning. All of that driving for ZERO activation points. Please let the snow melt soon!