APRS Coverage
Don't know
Voice Cellular Coverage
Spotty, may not work at all
Data Cellular Coverage
Spotty, may not work at all
Cellular Provider

It took me 2 days to get my 4 contacts at Tolmie Peak. I drove an hour and a half from Buckley, WA down HI 162 to Mowich lake. I then hiked the 2.9 miles past Lake Euclid to Tolmie Peak and experienced strong winds and driving rain to get heard. 

I bought my Rainier park pass on the way to Mowich lake and a Fee Stop, $20. 

There is clean water at Lake Euclid and while the rain is falling so are the streams. there were 2 waterfalls along the trail. 

I was within 10 meters of 3 deer and 40 meters on the Mountain Goat. I saw 3 martins and heard lots of song birds. 

I heard the WIN repeater working on 445.500. It was clear but I couldn't jump in the conversation. 

I heard VA, IL, TX,  Puerto Rico, and my contacts out of the Seattle area. 

The ranger lookout was locked because of the end of season I figure. There were visiter log books inside.